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The Best Dog Friendly Vacations

The Best Dog-Friendly Vacation Ideas

Dogs are part of the family, so it’s only natural that you’d want to share some of your travel adventures with your four-legged companions. Wondering what kind of holiday is best for the good boy or girl in your life? Read on to discover escapes for every canine, from pampered pooches to wild dogs yearning to be free.


Road Tripping

If you dream of belting out Tom Petty’s “Free Fallin’’ with your dog gazing at you adoringly from the passenger seat, a road trip is probably right for you. More realistically, your canine traveler needs to be the type who loves car rides. Safety is paramount when road tripping with your pup, so use a seatbelt restraint or have them secured safely in the back seat. Don’t forget lots of water, pit stops to stretch legs, and sniff the grass.

Finding pet-friendly accommodation on the fly can be challenging, so ensuring you have your lodging booked in advance is a must.



Both you and Fido can find serenity as you stare up at the starry skies while a campfire crackles on. Adventurous dogs will rejoice with the countless new smells to be found, the endless trails to explore, and the bond that will be forged getting back to nature together. 

As unforeseen accidents can occur in nature, be mindful of bringing a pet-included first-aid kit with you and considering everything from bee stings and splinters to scuffles with wildlife. 


Urban Escapes

From blowouts to bark-offs, some dogs are just born to stroll the city streets. With pampering options on every corner, major metropolitan cities offer great fun for dogs and owners alike. From cozy doggy beds to in-room dining options for your canine, hotels are stepping up their game to attract stylish and devoted guests and their VIPs – Very Important Pets. 

Stroll the city streets, leash in hand. Spend your days visiting parks, pet boutiques, dog-friendly human boutiques, and patio-hopping with your favorite companion by your side.


Beach Bums

With the wind blowing through their fur and the sand under their paws, countless canines call the beach their favorite place to visit. Spend some quality coastal time with your pup and get back to the simpler things in life. 

While beach days are a blast, wet sandy dogs are not. Equip yourself with towels, wet wipes for thoroughly cleaning paws and faces, and some water to refresh you both after a swim in the ocean. Be careful with your pup and saltwater, many like to bite at the waves or frolic in the sea, and saltwater is known to upset dogs’ sensitive stomachs.


Ready to book your next travel with your fluffy buddies?

See the world while taking care of our planet.